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Postr Global App Redesign


As part of employer’s project at Postr




UI Designer

The brief

With an upcoming update to the application with more reward options. I was tasked to update the user flow and experience of an existing app. Along with user interface and new assets to improve the overall experience of the app to the users.

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Debrief & Annotate

Interpret the brief and break down the requirements in order to understand each components and able to make changes to the product.

User Flow

Reevaluate an existing user flow in order to improve on user experience and introduce new features & rewards to the app.


Wireframe & Prototyping

Once I gathered and evaluate all information, I begin drafting low fidelity wireframe to put elements into places. This will test if the user flow is going to work easily for the users and iterate the process before producing height fidelity wireframe and prototype.

View prototype

Assets Creation

With high fidelity prototype done, assets are then designed and created.